
Which Apple Watch Do You Have? How to Identify Your Apple Watch

How to identify which Apple Watch you have.


The easiest way to determine exactly which Apple Watch you have is to look up its serial number on Apple’s Check Coverage page. Enter your serial number, and Apple will display the series, model and band size.

Find your serial number on the back of your Apple Watch or in the band slot (you’ll need to remove the band).

Alternatively, you can open the SETTINGS app on your Apple Watch and browse to GENERAL > ABOUT, then scroll down to SERIAL NUMBER.

You can also open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone and browse to MY WATCH > GENERAL > ABOUT, then scroll down to SERIAL NUMBER.


Open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone and browse to MY WATCH > GENERAL > ABOUT. Scroll down to MODEL.

The first number displayed is the order number. It’s more specific than the model number. Reference the following to identify your Apple Watch.

Apple Watch Series 4

MU642LL/A: 40mm Aluminum GPS

MU6A2LL/A: 44mm Aluminum GPS

MTUD2LL/A: 40mm Cellular + GPS Steel 0R Aluminum (check the back case to identify which)

MTUU2LL/A: 44mm Cellular + GPS Steel 0R Aluminum (check the back case to identify which)

MU6H2LL/A: 40mm Nike+ GPS

MU6K2LL/A: 44mm Nike+ GPS

MTV92LL/A: 40mm Nike+

MTXC2LL/A: 44mm Nike+

MU6N2LL/A: 40mm Hermès

MU6X2LL/A: 44mm Hermès

Apple Watch Series 5

MWV82LL/A: 40mm Aluminum GPS

MWVF2LL/A: 44mm Aluminum GPS

MWWQ2LL/A: 40mm Aluminum or Steel

MWW12LL/A: 44mm Aluminum or Steel

MX3R2LL/A: 40mm Nike+ GPS Aluminum

MX3V2LL/A: 44mm Nike+ GPS Aluminum

MX372LL/A: 40mm Nike+ Aluminum

MX392LL/A: 44mm Nike + Aluminum

MWX02LL/A: 40mm Hermès Steel

MWW92LL/A: 44mm Hermès Steel

MWQ12LL/A: 40mm Edition

MWQT2LL/A: 44mm Edition

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Apple Watch Series 6

MG143LL/A: 40mm Aluminum GPS

M00J3LL/A: 44mm Aluminum GPS

M02R3LL/A: 40mm Aluminum OR Steel Cellular (check the back case to identify which)

M07J3LL/A: 44mm Aluminum OR Steel Cellular (check the back case to identify which)

M00X3LL/A: 40mm Nike GPS

MG173LL/A: 44mm Nike GPS

M06L3LL/A: 40mm Nike Cellular

MG2J3LL/A: 44mm Nike Cellular

MG2Y3LL/A: 40mm Hermès

MG323LL/A: 44mm Hermès

M0DH3LL/A: 40mm Edition

M0GJ3LL/A: 44mm Edition

Apple Watch SE

MYDN2LL/A: 40mm Aluminum GPS

MYDR2LL/A: 44mm Aluminum GPS

MYEA2LL/A: 40mm Aluminum Cellular

MYEP2LL/A: 44mm Aluminum Cellular

MYYF2LL/A: 40mm Nike GPS

MYYK2LL/A: 44mm Nike GPS

MYYU2LL/A: 40mm Nike Cellular

MG063LL/A: 44mm Nike Cellular

Apple Watch Series 7

MKN03LL/A: 41mm Aluminum GPS

MKN73LL/A: 45mm Aluminum GPS

MKHG3LL/A: 41mm Aluminum OR Steel Cellular (check the back case to identify which)

MKJF3LL/A: 45mm Aluminum OR Steel Cellular (check the back case to identify which)

MKN33LL/A: 41mm Nike GPS

MKNA3LL/A: 45mm Nike GPS

MKHL3LL/A: 41mm Nike Cellular

MKJK3LL/A: 45mm Nike Cellular

MKLK3LL/A: 41mm Hermès

MKMG3LL/A: 45mm Hermès

ML8U3LL/A: 41mm Edition

ML8W3LL/A: 45mm: Edition


Open the Apple Watch app on your iPhone and browse to MY WATCH > GENERAL > ABOUT.

Tap MODEL, then cross reference the model number (beginning with the letter “A”) below.

Note that the model number won’t give you an exact match, since some variations share model numbers, but you can reference the back of the case to identify which version you have.

The back of the case lists the series, case size, case material, glass type, serial number, water resistance, GPS and cellular (LTE).

Apple Watch 1st Generation (Series 0)

Model numbers
    • 38mm: A1553
    • 42mm: A1554
      The Standard version has a steel case, while the Sport version has an aluminum case. Both the Apple Watch Edition and Hermès models have ceramic cases.

      The Edition is yellow gold with a red, blue or black cap or rose gold with a white, blue or black cap. The Hermès model has “Hermès” engraved on the back.

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      Apple Watch Series 1

      Model numbers
        • 38mm: A1802
        • 42mm: A1803

        Apple Watch Series 2

        Model numbers (Stainless Steel, Aluminum, Hermès & Nike+)

        • 38mm: A1757
        • 42mm: A1758

        Edition model numbers

        • 38mm: A1816
        • 42mm: A1817
        Look on the back of the case to see if your Apple Watch is the Stainless Steel or Aluminum version. The Hermès version will have “Hermès” engraved on the back. The Nike+ model will have the Nike logo on the back.

        Apple Watch Series 3

        Model numbers (GPS + Cellular Stainless Steel, GPS + Cellular Aluminum, GPS + Cellular Edition, GPS + Cellular Hermès, GPS + Cellular Nike+)

        • 38mm: A1860
        • 42mm: A1861

        GPS & Nike+ GPS model numbers

        • 38mm: A1858
        • 42mm: A1859
        All Series 3 Apple Watches have a red cap on the digital crown. Look at the back case to see which version you have (including GPS & LTE Cellular).

        • Stainless Steel: Ceramic back & sapphire crystal
        • Aluminum: Ceramic back & Ion-X glass
        • Edition: White or gray ceramic & sapphire crystal
        • Hermès: Hermès engraved on the back
        • Nike+ GPS + Cellular: Nike logo, GPS & LTE engraved on the back
        • GPS: Composite back & Ion-X glass
        • Nike+ GPS: Nike logo & GPS engraved on the back (no LTE)

        Apple Watch Series 4

        Model numbers

        • 40mm: A1975
        • 44mm: A1976

        GPS & Nike+ GPS model numbers

        • 40mm: A1977
        • 44mm: A1978
        All Series 4 Apple Watches have a red ring on the digital crown. Look at the back case to determine which model you have (including GPS & LTE Cellular).

        • GPS + Cellular Stainless Steel: Sapphire crystal, ceramic, GPS, LTE
        • GPS + Cellular Aluminum: Aluminum & ceramic case
        • Hermès: Hermès will be engraved on the back
        • Nike+ GPS + Cellular: Nike logo, GPS & LTE
        • GPS: No Nike logo
        • Nike+ GPS: Nike logo

        Apple Watch Series 5

        Model numbers (GPS & Nike+ GPS)

        • 40mm: A2092
        • 44mm: A2093

        Model numbers (GPS + Cellular, Hermès & Edition)

        • 40mm: A2094
        • 44mm: A2095
        Study your Apple Watch to determine which specific model you have. Here are some clues:

        • Series 5 GPS and Nike+ GPS have ceramic backs but do not have red rings on the digital crowns
        • Series 5 GPS + Cellular (aluminum and steel models) Watches have red rings on the digital crowns and ceramic backs
        • Hermès is engraved on Series 5 Hermès Apple Watches
        • Series 5 Edition Watches have titanium or white ceramic cases and red rings on the digital crowns

        Apple Watch Series 6

        GPS model numbers

        • 40mm: A2291
        • 44mm: A2292

        Cellular model numbers

        • 40mm: A2293
        • 44mm: A2294

        The back case engraving indicates case size and material as well as whether your Apple Watch is GPS or cellular (LTE). The word “Hermès” is engraved on that model. Nike versions have a Nike logo, while the Edition are made of titanium (listed on the case engraving).

        Apple Watch SE

        GPS model numbers

        • 40mm: A2351
        • 44mm: A2352

        Cellular model numbers

        • 40mm: A2353
        • 44mm: A2354

        The back case engraving displays the case size and material. It also lists whether it’s a GPS or cellular (LTE) Apple Watch. Nike versions feature the Nike logo.

        Apple Watch Series 7

        GPS model numbers

        • 41mm: A2473
        • 45mm: A2474

        Cellular model numbers

        • 41mm: A2475
        • 45mm: A2477

        Find the case size and material on the back case engraving, which also displays whether it’s GPS or cellular (LTE). Nike models have a Nike logo, while Hermès models display the “Hermès” text. The Edition has a titanium case.
